Sunday, February 15, 2015

Flame Of Recca

Flame Of Recca or  "Rekka No Hono" follows a story of a teenage boy name Recca Hanabishi who is interested in the ninja way, everyday he walks like a ninja and fights his way to bullies by using smoke bombs and traps in his duels which he is clearly using the styles of ninja in fighting, then one day while going home he save a girl from a falling debris and hurt himself but in an instant the girl Yanagi Sakoshita comes with a healing powers and healed him on the spot, because of this Recca become passionate and sworned that he will protect Yanagi even it means the cost of his life.

A few days later a woman figure always shows herself to Recca, telling him that he posses and the ability to control the flames that was usually uses a "Ninjutsu style in the ninja" and he discovered that he was actually the sixth generation leader of Hokage, a ninja clan that was wiped out by the Oda some 400 years ago before the present day in the story. She also explained that there were weapons and items that the Hokage clan has scattered (Madogu) before the day of the destruction in which gives anyone possesion of power, examples are wind,fire,earth and water elements. Recca posseses the Madogu that controls flaming dragons in which he has the ability to control them and was surprised they were other flaming dragons on loose and decided to gain everyone of them.

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