Friday, January 2, 2015

Brief History Of Anime in the Philippines

It started in the 80s in which the era of Ferdinand Marcos Martial Law was in effect, one of the first and popular anime that was aired on that era is the anime Voltes V in which the story is about 3 brothers in search for their father and colonizers from outer space attacked earth and with the help of the robot Voltes V they retaliated.

After several weeks of airing Ferdinand Marcos banned the program because he sense that the people may revolt against him from what the combining of the body parts of Voltes V means to unite each other to form one big weapon to fight back, Marcos realize that people could revolt and unite so that is why he ban it from that time.

This year was also called the Era of Mecha when in the 1986 when Marcos was exiled in the Philippines more mechanized anime start airing here in the Philippines
 Voltes 5
 Voltron Lion Force

Photos Taken From

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